How Much Do You Make


Dear Reader,

How much do you make?

I'm not asking for a dollar amount, because you don't make money. Unless you work in a mint, or print counterfeits.

I'm just asking, how much do you make? If it's art, when do you make it? Everyday? Maybe it's furniture, or clothing, or apps, or books, or photos. It doesn't have to be physical, either. Maybe it's a service, or an experience, or a deep connection with someone you care for. But how much do you make? The amount matters. Not necessarily the amount of units. But the amount of quality, the amount of care and the amount of purpose that goes into the whole process. 

Making a product, making art, making friendships, making love, making promises you can keep, it all counts. But it takes time, effort and repetition. Like making a consistently good cup of coffee. If you want it to be good, make it often. Today, tomorrow and the next. Make it better, with as much of yourself as possible.

Which I think is my point.

It's not how much money you make. 

It's how much you make of yourself. 

Your friend, 

Matthew Cooper


How Hard Will It Be


Five Year Plans